Reduce Employer NI: Use our Salary Sacrifice Pension
Let’s face it - pensions can be overwhelming. Knowing who to place your money with for your future isn’t a small decision and the jargon that is often involved with pensions can send your head into a spin. That’s fundamentally why Pete, Chris & Stuart set up Penfold - to strip away the things that make it complicated, leave the complex jargon at the door and make it simple to get your pension set up. But why pick them over the other digital finance providers out there? Let’s break it down.
Whilst we have designed our pension around the self-employed after not having the luxury of an HR department to sort it for them, any and everyone can set up a pension with Penfold. Employees, limited company directors, freelancers, small business owners, aspiring entrepreneurs - you’re all welcome here.
Pensions are an amazing investment, with exceptional tax benefits that have too long been complicated by jargon, paperwork and dinosaur providers. That’s why we’re a completely online, no-jargon safe zone, here to simplify all the boring pension chat into tangible answers for everyone
Our fee is simple, great value and transparent and there are absolutely no hidden charges that many other providers add in for administration, transfer drawdown, exit etc.
Pause whenever you like - we understand the ebbs and flows of our customer’s income and with no catch, allow you to pause your contributions at any time. You can just pick them back up again when you’re ready!
Reduce, increase your payment amount or change your date at any time. Or, make one off top-ups of any size you like for no extra cost
We’ve made it easy for you to transfer your old pension pots into Penfold, no paperwork on our side… and completely for free!
We’re building partnerships with the brands and businesses we know you like to integrate with, to make it even easier for you to save, manage your returns and remove a bit of financial stress from your already busy schedule
Starling customer? We’ve integrated with Starling to allow you to set up and manage easily from your Starling dashboard
We’re still a young company and listen to EVERY word our customer says. Any issues that arise are quickly resolved, feedback is crucial and always taken on board, and requests for new integrations, offerings and services from our customers are taken completely seriously. You’re with us for the long haul (hopefully) so we want to make this a great space for you!
Don’t believe us? We’ll let our reviews speak for themselves
We are delighted to announce that we've launched two brand new ethical investment options, our Sustainable and Shariah plans.
Ethical investments and global sustainability are incredibly important to us at Penfold, but it was equally important to take the time to find investment plans that meet our very high standards. This way, our customers can choose options that are better for the planet without sacrificing the chance of growth for their own pension at the same time.
Murray Humphrey