Invite your Employer

Your details

Does your employer offer a modern workplace pension? If not, why not introduce them to Penfold? With salary sacrifice contributions, they could save thousands – while you and your colleagues get our intuitive app that gives you total visibility and control over your pension savings.

What Happens Next?

  • We’ll Reach Out: We’ll send your employer a friendly email explaining the benefits of Penfold’s modern workplace pension.
  • They Get Onboard: If they’re interested, they can easily get in touch and start using Penfold for auto-enrolment.
  • Everyone Wins: Your employer saves money, and you and your colleagues get a user-friendly pension that gives you real-time insight into your financial future.

See What We Send

We’ll send a professional yet approachable email to your employer, showcasing why Penfold is a smart choice for your workplace.

Preview email